Saturday, December 6, 2008

Seeking: Vampire Age: Somewhere around 108

I don't claim to have many people that follow my blog, yet I still feel a slight sense of guilt when I neglect to post something. So over my "break" I have been doing much research into our modern culture. Specifically, the Twilight craze, and by craze, I mean this is a turning point in literary history whether people would like to admit it or not. Don't believe me? A few minutes on google and you'll realize how big this is. Now I know that most of you are used to me being AGAINST mainstream society, but in the name of journalism, I had to see for myself what this was all about.

It all began when I went to go see the movie (on opening night nonetheless) with a very good friend of mine. At that point, curiosity was already sinking it's fangs into my neck. So there we sat, and to be honest, I was absolutely blown away. Not by the movie itself, with it's mediocre effects and things like that. But the story, now that's a different....uh, situation. A few days later, I went to the bookstore on my lunch break and bought the book and finished it in the week. What can I say? It was really good. It wasn't perfect, but for some reason, it sticks with you.

Especially Edward Cullen. 

You wonder why all the girls are in love with him? You wonder why everyone wants to be a member of the Cullen family? Then read about Edward, and you understand.

Here's the really cool thing. The very first time Edward meets Bella, he is overcome by her scent, and has to go to extreme measures just to keep himself from killing her and drinking her blood. Sounds wonderful right? It gets better. It gets to the point where he has to stop himself from breathing just to be around her. I'm not gonna spoil anything, because maybe some of you will also read it for yourself. All this to say, it IS a very moving love story. It is loaded with undertones of Lust, Temptation, Courage, Valor, Restraint, Internal Struggle, and most of all, Love. It's true.

Now here's what I have to say to the girls. Although it would be great if every girl met their Edward. But what they fail to realize is that their are people in the world with the same exact character attributes. Especially lust. I don't know if you girls realize it, but sometimes, we go to extreme measures just to keep ourselves from doing things we might regret later. Well, some guys do. Most people now just give in to their every whim and do whatever it is they want. Is that what Edward Cullen would do? No. Ladies? You wanna know how to meet your Edward? Look for the guy that wants to get to know you, and not what's in your pants. The ones who look you in the eye when they talk to you. The ones who laugh with you, listen to you, and love you for who you are. That, my friends, is your Edward. He may not want to suck your blood, but don't underestimate how cruel guy's intentions can be for you.

Wow. Didn't mean to rant. Anyway, my final thought is that I think there is an Edward out there for every Bella. Ladies, if you want your man to be an Edward, then you should try being a Bella. Seriously, I was in love with the girl by the time I finished.

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